Register PF and ESI from Shram Suvidha Portal
It’s mandatory for employers(companies) who have more than 20 employees(Staff) working for them to register with the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. If the employer is registered to the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation(EPFO), all employees(Staff) working in that organization(Company/Firm) with a basic wage of up to Rs.15,000/- must join the Employees Provident Fund (EPF).
PF Contribution:- 12% of the employee’s(Staff’s) salary is contributed by the employer(Company/firm) and employee each towards the Provident Fund (PF). Upon registration of UAN(Universal Account Number), the employee(Staff) will be able to view the balance as well as the PF withdrawal amount online.
ESIC Contribution:- An individual who is employed in a non-seasonal factory that has more than 10 employees(Staff). These criteria are applicable under Section 2 (12) of the Act. With effect from 1 January 2017, the wage limit of an employee(Staff) is set at Rs.21,000/- per month for him/her to come under the coverage of the ESIC scheme.
How to Register PF and ESI from ShramSuvidha
Signup on Portal
- Click Here –
- Name
- Email Address
- Mobile Number

After Signup, You will get a verification link on the email and set up a user id and password. After verification is completed then, go to the login portal.

Login on Portal
- User Id
- Password
How to Register PF and ESI from ShramSuvidha portal

After Login, You will see the dashboard, On the left tab click on Registration, and also click on Registration For EPFO-ESIC Option.

Click on Apply for New Registration on right side

Acts Applying For:-
Check both acts, and click submit.
- Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948
- Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952
Common Registration form for ESIC & EPFO

Establishment Details
- Establishment Name (as per PAN):*(Incase of Propitiatory firm Name as per PAN is not required) – Type your proprietor’s PAN or Company’s Pan
A. Work Place Address (Address proof required in attachment)
- Premise No./Name:* Your business address
- Sub-Location/Colony/Street Name:* Your business address
- Locality/village/Town Name:* Your business address
- State:* Your business state
- District:* Your business district
- Area Code/Pin Code:* Your pin code
- Nearest Police Station:* From your business
- Setup Date:* Business starting date
- Establishment Category:* Select your business category
- PAN:* Business pan
- Sector (Ownership Type):* Select ownership type
B. If Factory, Specify Factory License Details

This is only applicable for factory
- Factory Licensed Under Section
- Factory License Number
- Issued By Authority, Place
- Date of License Registration
- Date of Trial Production, if Factory
C. If Start-up,Specify Start-up Registration Number
- DIPP Start-up Certificate No
- DIPP Start-up Certificate Date
D. If Establishment is MSME, Specify MSME Registration Number
- MSME Certificate No
- MSME Certificate date
E. Ownership Details
- Date Of Registration:*
- No Of Owners:*
- Issued At:*
- Registration/ Deed No:*
- Issued By:*
After filling the establishment details, then click Next.

- Primary E-Mail:*
- Primary Mobile:*
After fill eContacts, then click Next.
Contact Persons

F. Primary Manager
- P. Manager:- Fill all fields for the manager’s contact details if you don’t have a manager then fill proprietor’s details.
- P. Owner:- Fill all fields for the owner/proprietor’s contact details.
G. Add more Owners
Fill in the contact of the additional owner of your firm. After fill contact persons, then click Next

- Select Identifier:* Selection identifier for identifying your firm. You can select like GSTN, Sales Tax, Shop Number, Central Excise, ROC, Non-Finance Bank, Any Licence, etc,
- Identifier value:* Identifier Number like GST number, Central Excise Number, ROC Number, Any Licence Number, etc according to Identifier Select.
- Name as on Identifier:* According to Identifier Select. (Your Firm Name)
- Date of Issue:* Date of issue GST certification, Excise certification, ROC issue Date, or any Licence issue date.
- Issued by {Authority}:* Who has issued you a certificate or licence. (Gov of India or State Gov Name)
- Issued at {Place}:* Your Place
And tick on Mark it as Address Proof, Then Click Next
Employment Details
H. Employee Details Covered under EPF Act [Related To EPFO]:

- Do EPF and MP Act applies to Establishment:* Chose Voluntary Coverage or Yes
- Is Establishment Multinational:* Chose Yes or No
- Whether Any work/Business is being carried out through contractor/immediate employer:* Chose Yes or No
- Is there any Hazardous activity in your establishment:* Chose Yes or No
I. Total number of employees employed for wages directly and through immediate employers on the date of application [Related To ESIC]:
- Note: Required fields are indicated by an (*):
- Note: Total = Total No. of Employees drawing wages Rs. 21,000 or less
- Number of Workers as on date:* How many employees you have on the date of PF/ESI registration.
- No of Employees drawing wages Rs. 21,000 or less:* How many employees drawing wages less than Rs.21000.
- First date on which 10/20 or more persons were employed (including persons employed through immediate employers) :* When you complete 10 or 20 employees’ hiring date.
- To employees employed directly by the principal employer* Fill total wages & how many wages is less than Rs.21000
- To employees employed through immediate contractor* Fill total wages of employee which you hire from the third party or contractor & wages is less than Rs.21000 too.
- ESI Code number if Covered earlier: If you have otherwise skipped.
- Name of Income Tax Ward/Circle/Area *: Search as your pan number.
- Maximum No. of persons that can be employed on any one day:- How many employees you hire on any one day.
- Describe work Carried Out*: Describe your firm or company work, then click Next
J. Other Details [Common to both EPFO-ESIC]:
- Whether the building/premises of factory/Estt is owned or hired * Chose Lease, Rent, Hire, or Own.
- Whether Establishment Is Working With Aid Of Power?*: Chose Yes or No
After filling this section then click Next

Fill in the details of your branch or division and click Next.

- Primary Business Activity:* Your Company’s Business Activity
- Nature of Work:* Your Company’s Nature of Work
- Subcategory of Nature of Work:* Your Subcategory of Work.
And Click Next

After the attached document then click Submit.
You will receive an acknowledgment number in your mail after submission. You will be received PF Registration Number and ESIC IP Number within 7 days.
How to Register PF and ESI from ShramSuvidha portal
FAQ – Frequent Asked Question
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