You can open Tally.ERP9 software by double-clicking on Tally.ERP9 icon. The first step is how to create a company, and without creating a company you will not move further to create masters and record business transactions, etc.
You can easily create a company in Tally.ERP9 by using the below path.
How to Create Company in Tally ERP9
Path: Gateway of Tally –> ALT+F3 –> Click on Create Company
You have to go through the above path and fill in the information related to your company like the address of the company, contact details, and other information.

Click on create the company, once you click on create company then the below screen will appear.

Name: Enter the company name in this field like ABC Company
Address: Enter the company address
Country: Select the country
State: Enter State like Telangana or Karnataka
Pin Code: Enter pin code
Telephone: Enter telephone number
Mobile No: Enter a mobile number
Fax No: Enter Fax number
Email: Enter your company official communication mail id
Website: Enter your company website address
The financial year begins from: Enter financial year begins from like, 01.04.2017
Books beginning from Most of the cases financial year begins date from and books beginning date from are same but when you have created a company in Tally.ERP9 on 01.07.2017 in this case financial year begins from 01.04.2017 and the books’ beginning date is from 01.07.2017.
Security Control
This is a very useful option in Tally by activating this option you can avoid unauthorized access to company data.
Use security control: Yes

You have to remember your username and password.
Use Tally Audit features: This feature is for Chartered Accountants to audit the company books of accounts directly.
Disallow opening in Education mode: You cannot open your company in Tally if this feature is enabled in educational mode. Everyone knows about Tally, it is free for educational purposes, and in this, you can able to enter or post any entry on the first and the last date of every month.
Base Currency symbol: ₹ Currency symbol of the country
Formal Name: INR is the formal name of the currency
Is Symbol Suffixed to Amounts: If required you can enable this option, the purpose of this option is whether a currency symbol is required prior to an amount like ₹650
Add space between amount and symbol: Yes, this is like space between amount and currency symbol ₹ 650
Show Amount in Millions: If you enable this option then it will display the amount in reports like balance sheet and other reports in the Millions example, Rs.1000000 is equal to 1 Million.
The number of decimal places: Generally will use 2 decimals for paisa purpose in India like Rs.58.65.
The word representing the amount after the decimal: It is by default set as paisa in Tally and does not require any changes.
No. of decimal places for the amount in words: This is for decimal places for the amount in words.

Observe the above screenshot containing on the left side the current period, current date, name of the company, and date of last entry.
If you select any company to record the transactions in Tally, the selected company name will appear under name of the company.
Alter Company Info
You can modify company info by using shortcut key ALT+F3 from the below screenshot.
Click on alter
Companies will alter or edit their information when they have changed company address or contact number or email and other information.

In the above screenshot, you can edit any information as you required like, company address or email, or PIN code.
Tally will allow us to post-transaction on different dates, you can change the date by clicking on F2 during the voucher screen.

by using ALT+F2 you can change the Financial Accounting period, for which period transactions you want to record.

End Chapter of How to Create Company in Tally ERP9 and Next Chapter is List of Ledgers and Groups.
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