How will transporters register for E-way bill
Since you are an unregistered taxpayer, you will not have a GSTIN, using which you may register for the e-way bill on the portal. Thus, you will need to use the alternative method of registering, using your business details.
The steps for e-way bill registration for transporters are as follows:
- Keep your business details ready with you
- Log on to The following screen will emerge:
1.Click on “Enrolment for Transporters”, as shown in the picture above. On doing so, a registration form will appear, which will have some compulsory fields (marked for your reference as *) and some non-compulsory fields. The form will ask you for the following business details:
- Select you State* (Select from a drop-down menu)
- Legal Name* (Enter Name as per PAN)
- Trade Name, if any
- PAN* – After you enter your PAN No., you will need to click the “Validate” button, which will validate your details, and allow you to fill the other fields.
- Type of Enrolment* (Warehouse/Depot, Godown, Cold Storage OR Transport Services)
- Constitution of Business* (Foreign Company, Partnership, Proprietorship, Public Limited, Private Limited, Unlimited OR Others)
- Particulars of Principal Place of Business
- Building No. / Flat No.*
- Floor No.*
- Name of the Premises / Building*
- Road / Street*
- City / Town / Locality / Village*
- Taluka / Block*
- District*
- PIN Code*
- State*
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Contact Information (the email address and mobile number will be used for authentication)
- Email Address
- Telephone Number with STD
- Fax Number with STD
- Nature of Premises (Own, Leased, Rented, Consent, Shared OR Others)
- Do you have Aadhar number of Proprietor or Main person of Company / Firm (Select “Yes” OR “No”)
- If you select “Yes”, you will need to tick a box, wherein you authorize GSTN to obtain your details from UIDAI for the purpose of verification
- Aadhar No* (Prop. or Main person of Company / Firm)
- Name* (As per Aadhar)
- Mobile No* (As per Aadhar) – Once you enter your Mobile No. you need to click on the “Verify Detail & Send OTP” button, post which an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number
- Verify OTP Received from Aadhar* – Once you enter the OTP which you have received, you need to click on the “Verify OTP” button, which will complete the Aadhar verification process
- Upload
- Address Proof (Click “Choose file” to browse and then click “Upload”. There is no file format or file size specified, however, you can upload either PDF or JPEG)
- ID Proof (Click “Choose file” to browse and then click “Upload”. There is no file format or file size specified, however, you can upload either PDF or JPEG)
- Login Details
- User Name*
- Password*
- Confirm Password*
- Verification* – Here, you will need to tick a box, confirming that all the details provided by you are correct and to the best of your knowledge
- Click “Save”
2.Once you
submit the form, the e-way
bill portal will generate a 15 digit Transporter ID or TRANS ID, along with your user
credentials. Now you can provide this 15 digit Transporter ID to your clients,
so that when they include that in the e-way bill, you will be able to access
the same on the e-way bill portal and enter your vehicle number, for the
movement of the consignment. And this is how you will successfully register for
the e-way bill.
In our next blog, we will guide you on how
to manage the situation, in case you forget your User ID (as a registered
business) or Transporter ID (as an unregistered transporter) or your Password,
and how to retrieve the same, to resume navigation on the e-way bill portal.