E-Way Bill Registration for Registered Businesses


As per a tweet from the official Twitter handle of the GST Council on the evening of 1st Feb, 2018, it has been decided to extend the trial phase for generation of e-way bill, both for inter and intra-State movement of goods, in view of the difficulties faced by businesses in generating the e-way bill due to technical glitches. It shall be made compulsory from a date to be announced. 

Registering on the e-way bill portal
There are primarily 4 stakeholders who are involved in the process of a typical e-way bill – suppliers, recipients, transporters and tax officers. The suppliers, recipients and transporters would want to see that the consignment is moving from the source to the destination without any hurdles, while the tax officers would want to see that the consignment is accounted for by both suppliers and recipients.
Focusing on the business end of the e-way bill, it is important for both registered businesses (suppliers and recipients) as well as transporters to have access to the e-way bill portal and start by obtaining an e-way bill system registration. Considering that quite a significant number of transporters may be small operators, and thus may not be registered under GST, the portal allows a smooth e-way bill registration for both registered as well as unregistered entities under GST.
E-way bill registration for registered businesses
  • Keep your GSTIN and Mobile No. registered with the GST portal ready with you
  • Log on to ewaybill.nic.in. The following screen will emerge:

  • Click on “e-Way Bill Registration”, as shown in the picture above. On doing so, the following registration form will appear:

  • Enter your GSTIN number and click “Go”
  • Once your request is submitted, you will be redirected to the following page:

  • In the above form, “Applicant Name”, “Trade Name”, “Address” and “Mobile Number” will be auto-populated. You need to click on “Send OTP”, in order to get the OTP on your registered mobile number. Once you receive the OTP on your registered mobile number, you need to enter the OTP on the system. Once that is done, you will need to click on “Verify OTP”, the post which your OTP will be validated, and all your details will be verified on the e-way bill portal.
  • Next, you need to provide a User ID or User Name of your choice, with which you plan to operate your newly created account on the e-way bill portal. Please note, that the username should be about 8 to 15 alphanumeric characters and can include special characters as well. Once a request for the same is submitted, the e-way bill portal will validate whether the given User ID or User Name exists or not.
  • Once the User ID or User Name is approved by the e-way bill portal, you will need to provide a Password of your choice. Please note, that the password will need to have a minimum of 8 characters, which could be alphanumeric and could also include special characters. However, you need to be careful with the Password will be case-sensitive.
  • Once both User ID / User Name and Password are validated and approved, the final registration request is submitted. If there is any error, the system will pop up the appropriate error message. Else, if all is fine, the User ID / User Name along with the Password is created and registered with the e-way bill portal. You can now use this registered User ID / User Name and Password to navigate through the e-way bill portal.
Hope we have been able to show you the right path to register for the e-way bill. In our next blog, we will discuss about how unregistered taxpayers, primarily small transporters can obtain e-way bill registration on the e-way bill portal.

Post Tags:- GST, E-Way Bill, E-Way Bill for Registered Dealer, Goods Transportation

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